Our home is based in leafy Wiltshire. My cats are brought up with love and affection which I believe breeds loving and affectionate kittens. They are born and brought up in my home so are used to
all household sounds as well as my dog. They are all spoilt - cats,
kittens and dog alike!
My kittens are bred for type, temperament and quality. Their personalities are second to none and by the time they move on to their new homes they are inquisitve, fearless, intrepid explorers
with a thirst for knowledge - I have a fridge magnet that says ‘cats put a paw on your heart'. I think that says it all.
Specialising in Bi and Tri colours in dominant and dilute including van and harlequin pattern. Now also specialising in
tabby and tabby and white. Breeding from Top USA and
Dutch lines.
My love of cats started with my son Mark's desire to have a cat and this prompted me to get our first "moggy". A black and white short haired cat called Fluffy, (well he looked fluffy when we got him!), Sophie a black and white bi-colour long haired "moggy" followed next and then our first Birman girl 'Sherry' who had beautiful markings and was bought as breed quality as we thought we might like to have a litter. After going to a couple of shows we got the ‘bug' and just had to have a show quality girl and we went on from there. I am sure any breeders reading this will recognise that this is usually the start of an ambition to breed show quality cats. We bred Birmans for several years and had some success. Our first Grand Champion, Sophanise Sweet Charity. Other girls are still in the pedigrees of Birmans today and our Sophanise Sunniva was mother to Grand Champion Veyriere Alphonso and Champion Sophanise Sandriana was mother to Grand Champion Sandriana Tutti Frutti. Due to personal circumstances after about 7 years we gave up.
However, a few years ago I bought a lovely black and white bi-colour male called Smokey. I have to say his coat was something else, not at all what I was expecting, having been spoilt with Birman coats that do not knot that easily. With some help from Gillian, of Scruffy Joe's in Calne, I mastered the art of grooming persian coats and also the wonderful advantages of bathing them. After Smokey I just had to have a girl and my next persian was Misty, a most wonderful cat, who was very loving and very much loved. So it seems that I am progressing down that road again. My growing family of cats can be seen on the following pages and I must say I have had some beautiful kittens mostly due to my foundation stud Ocalicos Kenyon of Elledubrad. My new addition Sophanise Bojangles will hopefully be working in a year's time and it will be interesting to see what kittens he sires. He is a very loving boy so I would hope that he passes this on to his offspring.
It would be lovely to have some of the success that I had with the Birmans but we shall have to wait and see. To all those who have helped me on this new adventure my heartfelt thanks, especially to Pat Carpenter of Frappant Cats (who sadly died in 2007 and will be much missed as a valued friend) and Sara Firkins of Elledubrad Persians who has been invaluable in her help on the sometimes rocky road of breeding!
Chris Govus
I would like to pay a tribute to my wonderful Dad who died in April this year and to the support he gave each and everyone of his family throughout his life. I certainly would not be the person I am today without him as my mentor.
He is very sadly missed.
With much love to you Dad in the Paradise that I know that you now frequent.
